Refund Policy
All submitted orders must be paid for; refunds are not available if you forget to pickup your order. Any unclaimed orders left at our warehouse will be donated to a local food bank within 24–36 hours. We can hold on to your order for a later pickup if you let us know within that window. Please reach out at to check in about your forlorn order. The policy for forgotten orders at pickup locations varies depending on their storage capacity and it's best if you check in directly with that hub for next steps.
If you receive unsatisfactory products, please know this happens from time to time when working with smaller organic practice farms. We are always happy to compensate for funky produce in your subsequent order, please let us know within 48 hours of receiving your order and we'll see to it. Email us with the issue and a photo of the faulty produce so we can work on making up for it and better our own processes through your feedback.
In gratitude,
FEED Cooperative